Ideas for activities:
Ideas for Fiesta activities
Frog Jumping Contest
Talent Show
Petting Zoo
Ideas for activities:
Ideas for Fiesta activities
Frog Jumping Contest
Talent Show
Petting Zoo
Draft plan for Fair Oaks Fiesta
The link below is an early draft of a project plan with:
A High-Level Plan
Volunteer List
Proposed agenda for this Wednesday's Fair Oaks Fiesta Planning Meeting
Welcome and introductions - 5 minutes
A brief history of Fair Oaks Fiesta - 5 minutes
Why we think it is essential to bring it back to the Village in 2023 - 5 minutes
Our vision for the event in 2023, 2024, and beyond - 10 - minutes
Q&A - 5 - 10 minutes
Welcome to the Fair Oaks Fiesta group! This group is dedicated to preserving the history and creating the future of the Fair Oaks Fiesta. You can connect with other members, get updates and share videos.
The history of the Fair Oaks Fiesta.
The Fair Oaks Fiesta started in 1949 and is estimated to have attracted 40,000 people to the community over it's three-day run. Originally created to raise money for a community swimming pool the hugely popular event only made a profit of $25.51. The clippings and photos below are what I have found so far with thanks to Ralph Carhart, Nan Danford and the Fiesta Facebook page from most of these.
Business Owner
Business Owner
Keith, this is great! Very well organized and well thought out, thanks for the effort here. Will we have printed copies to hand out this evening?