The proposal to replace the Smog-N-Go with a drive-thru Starbuck is back in front of CPAC on March 1st. Included in this proposal is the assumption that a u-turn at the Fair Oaks/Bridge St/Howard St intersection will soon be legal and encouraged. Think for a moment what that will do for safety and traffic flow entering and existing the village.
If you can't make the CPAC meeting, then send your comments to Boardclerk@saccounty.gov. Include meeting date (3/1/23) and agenda item number (1) in your email.
The 100+ page proposal is attached for your reading pleasure.
I am happy to report that last night the Fair Oaks CPAC voted to recommend the Starbucks proposal be rejected. My thanks to the many residents and business owners who attended the meeting to voice their opinions, which clearly resonated with the CPAC Board members. There were many reasons cited for rejecting this proposal but ultimately the key factor cited was the dangerous traffic issues created by the addition of hundreds of cars per day to the Village.
A Starbucks would add undue traffic. We also want to support our village coffee shops.
Starbucks is a chain and will not add ambience to our village. Keep them in the big cities.
No objection here! In fact, I would love it! So much better than a Smog testing site! Folks may then patronize our village businesses! And I am a long time Fair Oaks Village resident!
A Starbucks is wrong for the Village and a drive through, with idling engines, is wrong for the Village entrance. Further, there are fine ’coffee experiences’ to be had within the Village and a Starbucks would take away from those! This corporate business has nothing to do with Village goals of community cohesiveness and everything to do extension of the chain retail that belongs farther down Sunrise.
We believe a Starbucks on this corner will add way to much traffic around the intersection. There is already a Starbucks across the bridge in Gold River On Sunrise and another in Quail Pointe….why so many so close together. the coffee places in the Village are small businesses and quaint….they don’t need the big Starbucks draw so close!