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O Cafe Parklet Survey Results
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christophe jusseaume
May 12, 2022
Keith, Thank you for the follow up to our phone conversation and the heads up. I appreciate it! I just saw the newsletter, and I must admit that I am taken aback. I understand FOVEC’s position and the need to represent its members, but I need to point out that the language of the survey and the way in which your position is outlined is not consistent with our conversation. The survey is biased because the message that goes with it draws a negative picture of our terrace, and I’m sure you can agree that it is hard to obtain objective feedback when the headline of this survey states that FOVEC opposes it and describes it as unattractive. Moreover, the photo used does not accurately portrait what the parklet looks like, as it shows an unfinished project. We have now added awnings and will continue to refine the looks by adding plants to make it more attractive for the community. The water barriers must stay as a county requirement for public safety. My dad in good faith made a commitment to FOVEC to provide signage at O Café’s expense to contribute to providing a solution to the parking constraints. I am happy to get more involved in FOVEC efforts representing O Café. However, the verbiage used in this survey does not convey two organizations working together as we discussed over the phone. We have been discussing about this project for months and we have been quite open about it, nobody until now raised an objection. We went through all the steps to obtain our permits rightfully and legally; we consulted with our neighbors before expanding our outdoor dining space to our storefront parking. I understand that parking is a sensitive issue down the hill in the village, and it has been a problem for decades. However, I cannot understand certain businesses posting signs reserving parking exclusively for their customers despite being on public property. You can check for yourself online on the Sacramento County Assessor Parcel Viewer that most of the parking located in front of stores along Fair Oaks Blvd is within the county right of way. FOVEC has not taken any measures to stop this improper use of the County right of way, but now FOVEC is publicly opposing a properly permitted project, that would only benefit the Village by contributing to the local economy. A customer that goes to O Café might as well buy flowers from Bella Fiore next door, or shop at Bungalow. Riders from the bike trail that stop for a pastry or coffee at our shop, might as well check out Biker Bar. Our visions for the village might be different, but O Café wants to work along with FOVEC in a positive and amicable atmosphere. I’m afraid the tone and manner this survey was presented is not it. Sincerely, O Cafe

christophe jusseaume

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